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Keep your waste cost savings coming

Keep your waste cost savings coming

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Keep your waste cost savings coming with Service and maintenance plans for your baler or compactor by phswastekit

Time to act on plastic waste

Time to act on plastic waste

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A review of recent developments in tackling this global issue and what the big brands are doing to reduce the about of plastic used by consumers.

How to achieve your business' New Year's resolutions in 2018

How to achieve your business' New Year's resolutions in 2018

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It's estimated that more than 300,000 tonnes of cardboard is used during the Christmas period an amount large enough to cover the London Eye almost 50,000 times

Dont get caught out

Dont get caught out

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Your accessories are now quicker and easier to order than ever before

Waste not want not

Waste not want not

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Can baling really reduce business costs?

Safety first

Safety first

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Balers and compactors are fantastic pieces of equipment but, like all machinery, they can present risks if not operated correctly by fully trained personnel ...

Waste Crushers save you money on waste disposal

Waste Crushers save you money on waste disposal

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Waste Crushers are the perfect solution to help you streamline your waste disposal process.

Businesses Spend Millions on Waste Management Each Year

Businesses Spend Millions on Waste Management Each Year

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PHS Wastekit we can help you cut your waste disposal costs and make money from your recycled waste.

Avoid Waste being a pain in the back!

Avoid Waste being a pain in the back!

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Heavy manual labour is cited by the Health & Safety Executive as key contributor to back pain

Service Agreements

Service Agreements

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The importance of ongoing support and maintenance for large pieces of equipment.

To Lease or Not to Lease

To Lease or Not to Lease

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An analysis of buying and leasing waste handling equipment in challenging economic conditions.

How Better Waste Management Can Offset the Landfill Tax

How Better Waste Management Can Offset the Landfill Tax

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During 2014 it was announced that the rates of landfill tax would rise in line with inflation from April 2015