How our day-to-day actions impact the environment
In recent years a number of issues with modern lifestyles have led to a growing awareness of how both individuals and businesses are affecting the world we live in. The scale of the problem is something most people think very little about until the evidence is quite clearly laid out to see. The most notable example of this was featured in the much-acclaimed nature documentary series The Blue Planet. This highlighted just how damaging human impact is on the land and seas, and the stark reality of the amount of plastic floating in our oceans has been the catalyst for significant change in the UK.
Small but significant impacts on the environment
There are many things we do in daily life that have an impact on the environment in some way. Did you know that most of the throwaway coffee cups we use every day, couldn’t be recycled due to the plastic in their composition? In 2011, that was estimated to be 2.5 billion thrown away [1] with the figure likely to be significantly higher now. It’s not just a focus on individuals to do their bit for the environment either, as industry is a major contributor to the amount of waste going into landfill every year. From printing unnecessary paper to failing to implement recycling in communal areas, this all has an adverse effect in the long run.
Take a look at some of the habits that many people and businesses do every day that could be changed to reduce the impact on the environment.
• Leaving lights on in unused rooms
• Boiling more water than needed
• Wasting paper and not recycling
• Leaving taps running
• Not separating recyclables
• Using single use plastics like shopping bags or straws
• Commuting short distances rather than walking or using public transport
Ways individuals and businesses can reduce their impact
Several initiatives have started to come into play throughout the business and consumer world. The first step is to recognise the changes that need to be made in daily lifestyles including working environments, and explore how to implement them into everyday routines. Most people are now recycling but according to experts [2], the UK is still falling short in reaching its target of 50% of household waste being recycled by 2020.
So, looking at this and other factors in organisations and households, there are several things that you can do to reduce the impact on your environment including:
• Conserve energy by having efficient equipment and heating systems
• Cut down on paper wastage
• Recycle everything you can
• Monitor energy usage to highlight areas of improvement
• Reduce plastic usage
For businesses that are looking to make changes to their processes and take more responsibility for their impact on the environment, phs Wastekit is the perfect partner in helping you achieve this. We pride ourselves on assisting businesses to make as little negative impact on the planet as possible by offering a full-service solution that can lower your waste costs as well as reduce your carbon footprint by reducing the frequency of your waste collections.
If you’re looking for a cost-effective and environmentally conscious way to dispose of your business’s waste, use our free Wastesaving audit or contact us for more information.