The impact of plastic on the planet: top 5 campaigns
The UK’s throwaway society is fast becoming a hot topic of conversation amongst individuals and businesses nationwide. Plastic is a significant element of this attention, as the sheer amount of plastics and micro-plastics that end up in the world’s water system is at staggering levels. You can see an example here of the scale of pollution that is consuming the seas and oceans.
With this evident pollution, several brands and businesses are taking the lead to support the end of plastic waste for the future. This supports the governments 25-year environmental plan which highlights the main factors that will be improved over the coming years including goals for fresher air, cleaner water, reducing risk or harm from environmental hazards and finding more sustainable supplies for consumable resources. Despite this plan, there is so much more that can be done in everyday living to reduce the amount of plastic and waste materials ending up on landfill sites.
Take a look at some of the examples of campaigns that are turning the tide on plastic pollution.
Boston Tea Party
This well-known UK coffee chain was believed to be one of the first to ban the sale of its delicious coffee and hot drinks in disposable cups. The issue with this type of cup is that its composition of cardboard and plastic lining isn’t recyclable so approximately 2 billion are used every year and going to landfill. Other large coffee chains are making changes too including Starbucks, Costa Coffee, and Café Nero by improving their stance on recycling.
Sky – Ocean Rescue campaign
You may just think Sky is a place where you can get all the latest TV shows and films, but the company has been taking steps to do their bit for the environment too. Sky recently embarked on a huge online campaign to get rid of the cup and straw emoji in a bid to try and stop the use of single-use plastic. The hashtag #PassOnPlasticEmoji highlights the unconscious acceptance of plastics in our lives and is trying to make people rethink their choices.
Dell recycling
Ink cartridges and toner are regularly used in both domestic and commercial environments, but due to the compounds used in the cartridge, they are difficult to recycle. Computer giants Dell have an extensive network where you can send your e-waste to them for recycling and reuse.
Keep Cups
This reusable cup brand has been spreading awareness through the hashtag #everydaychangemakers and getting consumers to tell stories and tips of how they are making small modifications in their everyday lives to reduce single-use plastic.
PG Tips
The power of social media is incredible, and the voice of the country was heard from a petition to get PG Tips to remove plastic from its infamous tea bags. As tea is the most consumed beverage after water, this popular brand couldn’t ignore the call to make its bags fully biodegradable.
How to improve your business processes
Although the above businesses have been making headlines with innovative ideas to tackle pollution, there are a number of small changes that business can make every day to reduce plastic usage including:
• Encouraging recycling across the business
• Limiting or stopping the use of throwaway cups at water dispensers
• Stop the use of plastic cutlery in canteens
• Work with suppliers to reduce packaging wastage
If you’d like some more advice on how to tackle your waste and recycling requirements, contact phs Wastekit for a Wastesaving Audit and get the most cost-effective solution for your business.