How to make money from cardboard waste

If you’re throwing away your cardboard waste, you’re potentially missing out on a valuable revenue-generating opportunity.
Recycling companies are ready to pay for the very cardboard you’re getting rid of, turning your waste into cash. If you haven’t explored the option of selling your cardboard, whether its boxes or packaging, there’s never been a better time to do so.
Is it possible to make money from selling cardboard? Find out more in this handy guide.
Cardboard in the UK
Since the pandemic of 2020, our buying habits have changed. Online shopping surged as the nation was directed to stay at home, which saw a sudden rise in the demand for cardboard etc.
According to figures from, dry bales of cardboard commanded up to £143 per tonne at UK domestic mills during Q4 of 2021. That’s nearly double the price from the start of 2021, where bales could reach between £73-£92 per tonne. While price fluctuations for cardboard are normal, this acceleration is on a scale not witnessed before – and the prices have remained strong into 2022 too. (Figures accurate as of 2022).
Given the recent cost of living crisis, selling cardboard has an even stronger appeal. Getting paid for your cardboard waste can offset some of your other business costs, such as increased energy bills and manufacturing costs, helping you to absorb these costs without having to pass them onto your customers.
Selling cardboard waste
As waste cardboard is now a valuable commodity in the UK, this creates an opportunity for businesses. There is real money to be made from selling cardboard, yet many are overlooking this and are even paying someone else to take it away for them.
The secret is that cardboard waste which has been ‘baled’ by a baler machine can be sold on to recycling companies for reuse or resale, bringing in new revenue for businesses and converting what was a hefty disposal cost into cash. It also reduces waste collection costs and landfill fees at the same time.
Selling waste cardboard is beneficial from a economic and environmental perspective. The revenue stream it can create, and the savings made, supports a business’ bottom line and boosts the economy. And from an environmental point of view, there will be fewer waste collections, reduced fuel costs and more quality cardboard getting back into our recycling system to help meet the supply problem. Everybody wins.
Businesses will frequently undertake a cost benefit analysis on their core costs but only by extending this approach to ancillary costs can you truly identify all unnecessary costs and ways to generate revenue and make savings. When it comes to handling waste, there are almost always savings to be made in our experience whether it’s reducing labour costs associated with waste management, cutting down waste collections and transport costs or saving precious space by baling and compacting waste.
The benefits of selling cardboard waste for your business
Selling cardboard recycling for money may not seem like something that’s very profitable, but it can actually have many benefits for businesses – especially during tough economic times where every penny counts. Some of the main benefits of cash for cardboard include:
- Get paid money for disposing of your cardboard waste – this can help cover rising bills or supply costs or used to cover other costs in your workplace.
- It can help give you an incentive to improve your recycling targets and ensure waste is disposed of in the correct way.
- Machines like cardboard balers make cardboard waste disposal easy, helping you sell cardboard easily while keeping your waste disposal areas neat and organised.
- Other companies are already making the most of cash for cardboard schemes, so by not taking part, you could be missing out on money being earned by your competitors and other local businesses.
By selling cardboard waste, you can enjoy some unexpected benefits that will improve the way your business recycles and give a little something back to your business too.
Using cardboard balers to make money when you sell cardboard
Your cardboard baler can be a vital tool for selling cardboard. As it helps to compact your cardboard waste, it makes it easier to be taken away by the companies that buy cardboard recycling.
With cardboard being an in-demand material at the moment, your business stands to make some great money from selling its cardboard waste. This is great news for your business, as it will help you recoup some of the money you may be spending on the rest of your waste management practices.
Shop around for the right company to buy your cardboard waste for a fair price. To help maintain greener practices, you may also wish to consider using a company that maintains sustainability and is committed to extending the lifespan of the cardboard it purchases.
What’s great about cardboard balers is that you can buy or rent them according to your business needs. If you only deal with high volumes of cardboard at certain times of the year, like Christmas, then you can hire a baler for a short time to help you manage your waste during these busy periods.
How can you save money with cardboard balers?
If you decide to sell your cardboard, your cardboard baler will pay for itself. Not only will you be able to make money by selling your cardboard waste, but you’ll also be able to save money on your waste collections.
Waste collection can cost a significant amount to businesses each month, especially small businesses. Reducing your waste volume will help lead to fewer collections, costing you less each month.
If you’re not sure about purchasing your own cardboard waste baler, whether you choose to sell cardboard or recycle it, you can always take advantage of phs WasteKit’s cardboard baler rental services. Affordable and flexible, they are ideal for helping you manage your budget, while you test out whether a baler is the right fit for your business.
Are you ready to take the next step and find out more about generating revenue from cardboard waste?
If you want to see how cardboard recycling for money can benefit your business, talk to phs Wastekit. We supply high quality baler and compactor machines for rent or purchase as well as offering servicing, maintenance, waste removal services and partnerships with recycling companies to support customers. phs Wastekit also offers a free Waste Saving Audit and a free trial of a baler or compactor to businesses to see how much you can save with no obligation. And with locations across the UK, wherever you are, phs is on your doorstep.
Start earning cash for cardboard today with the help of a waste baler from phs. Get in touch today by calling 0800 169 3534, email or fill in our Contact Us form.