Sustainable packaging strategies to help reduce your packaging waste and help your business become more sustainable

No matter the sector or size of a business, sustainability is now a paramount concern for all companies and organisations. At phs, we are here to support our clients in their journey towards becoming as environmentally friendly as possible.

And, while there are so many considerations when it comes to choosing the area where your company can make the most impact, we know that packaging is a primary concern for many of our clients.

Sustainable packaging stands out as a critical area where businesses can make significant strides towards reducing their environmental footprint while making bottom-line savings and giving a great boost to public relations.

To make the transition to green as simple as possible, this blog sets out the main points to consider when it comes to environmentally friendly packaging, delving in to explore its importance, key components, examples, best practices and the benefits it offers to businesses.

Benefits of environmentally friendly packaging for businesses

So what are the topline benefits of adopting a sustainable approach to packaging?

Environmental benefits

The adoption of sustainable packaging practices offers numerous environmental benefits, including:

·         Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: By minimising packaging waste and using eco-friendly materials, businesses can lower their carbon footprint and mitigate climate change.

·         Conservation of natural resources: Sustainable packaging reduces the demand for virgin resources such as timber, water and fossil fuels, helping to conserve natural ecosystems and biodiversity.

·         Prevention of pollution: By choosing materials that are less harmful to the environment and reducing packaging waste, businesses can help prevent pollution of land, water and air.

·         Cost savings and efficiency: In addition to environmental benefits, sustainable packaging can also yield significant cost savings and operational efficiencies for businesses.

Reduced material costs

·         Opting for lightweight, minimalistic packaging designs and using recycled or renewable materials can lead to lower material costs.

·         Transportation savings: Streamlining packaging designs and optimising packaging logistics can reduce transportation costs by maximising cargo space and minimising fuel consumption.

·         Waste management savings: By minimising packaging waste and implementing recycling or composting programs, businesses can reduce waste management costs associated with landfill disposal or incineration.

Enhanced brand image and customer loyalty

Adopting sustainable packaging practices can enhance a company's brand image and reputation, leading to increased customer loyalty and brand affinity.

·         Positive brand association: Consumers increasingly prefer brands that demonstrate a commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability, leading to positive brand association and increased trust.

·         Competitive advantage: Businesses that embrace sustainable packaging differentiate themselves from competitors and attract environmentally conscious consumers seeking eco-friendly products and services.

·         Enhanced customer engagement: Communicating transparently about sustainable packaging initiatives and engaging customers in sustainability efforts fosters stronger relationships and brand loyalty.

Key components of sustainable packaging strategies

Material selection is one of the first points to consider when embarking on the journey towards environmentally friendly packaging. Opting for materials that are renewable, recyclable or biodegradable forms the cornerstone of sustainable packaging strategies.

Renewable materials

Using materials derived from renewable sources – such as bamboo, sugarcane or hemp – reduces reliance on finite resources and minimises environmental impact.

Recyclable materials

Selecting packaging materials that can be easily recycled ensures that they can be repurposed, thus contributing to a circular economy.

Biodegradable materials

Materials that break down naturally over time – such as certain types of plastics made from plant-based sources – offer an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastics.

Minimalism in packaging design

Embracing minimalism in packaging design is another crucial aspect of sustainable packaging strategies. Switching out bulky, non-recyclable components for recyclable ones will help keep packaging designs simple and streamlined, allowing more material to be recycled, and less to end up in a landfill.

Simplified packaging

Streamlining packaging designs to eliminate unnecessary non-recyclable parts and layers helps reduce material consumption and enhances efficiency throughout the supply chain.

Right-sized packaging

Tailoring packaging sizes to fit products snugly reduces the need for excess materials usually used to provide padding for a product, such as non-recyclable packing peanuts, and optimises storage and transportation space.

Examples of sustainable packaging

Biodegradable packaging materials are designed to decompose naturally, reducing environmental impact and minimising waste accumulation. Here are some great examples of environmentally friendly packaging that your business might want to consider:

Biodegradable packaging peanuts

Replace traditional polystyrene packing peanuts with biodegradable alternatives made from materials such as recycled paper. This can then be recycled again.

Compostable food packaging

Utilise compostable materials for food packaging, such as compostable bags made from plant-based sources like corn or sugarcane.

Recycled cardboard boxes

When it comes to examples of sustainable packaging, cardboard boxes are a classic. Made from recycled materials, these are great for shipping and storage as well as myriad other uses. They can also be recycled easily using balers or compactors.

Recycled paper packaging

Choose packaging materials made from recycled paper or cardboard to minimise environmental impact.

Reusable shopping bags

Provide customers with reusable shopping bags made from durable materials like cotton or jute to replace single-use plastic bags.

Refillable packaging containers

Offer refillable packaging containers for products such as cosmetics, detergents or personal care items to promote reuse and minimise waste.

Adjusting packaging principles

Adjusting your approach to packaging can help you cut down on your waste, ensuring more recyclable materials are used for more sustainable practices.

Optimised packaging logistics

Optimise packaging logistics to minimise material usage, maximise space utilisation and reduce carbon emissions associated with transportation.

Eco-friendly packaging technologies

Explore emerging technologies such as bioplastics, nanotechnology or 3D printing for sustainable packaging applications that can be recycled more easily.

Regular review and update of packaging practices

Continuously evaluating and updating packaging practices ensures that businesses remain at the forefront of sustainability and adapt to evolving consumer preferences and regulatory requirements.

Lifecycle assessments

Conduct lifecycle assessments to evaluate the environmental impact of packaging materials and identify opportunities for improvement.

Continuous improvement

Implement a culture of continuous improvement, where packaging practices are regularly reviewed and adjustments are made to enhance sustainability performance.

Use phs Wastekit’s Wastesaving Calculator

Quick and simple to use, our handy Wastesaving Calculator is a great first step to implementing a lean packaging strategy.

Sustainable packaging solutions: minimising waste

For businesses grappling with significant waste production, operational smoothness is paramount. At phs Wastekit, we understand the critical role of efficient waste management in sustaining productivity and environmental responsibility. Get in touch today to find out more.

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